Geboren und aufgewachsen in der wunderschönen und historischen Stadt Coimbra. Ich habe einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Anthropologie und einen Master-Abschluss in Kulturerbemanagement und -programmierung von der Universität Coimbra. Ich mag meine Stadt, ich mag Geschichte, ich mag es, neue Leute kennenzulernen ... Ich werde Ihnen Coimbra mit originellen Themenrouten vorstellen.
Great tour. Very interesting. Latinate historian. 5 stars.
Joao provided an entertaining and interesting tour of Coimbra. Saw University, several churches, museum, Roman ruins and heard about the history. Moved at a nice pace for us older folks, pointed how great places to eat, restrooms and adjusted route so we could book our tour of the library and ended at museum so we could grab lunch while waiting for start of library tour. Answered all our questions (and there were a lot). Highly recommend
We loved the tour! The informations given were accurate but also fun and interesting. João told us many anecdotes about history and tradition. We would definitely recommend it!
Interesante tour. Joao nos contó datos interesantes de Coímbra y su Universidad. Fue una tarde agradable. Recomendado!
João was very informative, he obviously knew Coimbra very well. It was pretty amazing to learn so much about Coimbra, the trip was a surprise for us, we didn’t know Coimbra had so much to offer.