Wir sind Charing Cross. Unser Ziel ist es, jede Tour zu einem intimen, authentischen Pariser Erlebnis zu machen. Unsere durchschnittliche Gruppengröße beträgt 10 bis 15 Gäste und wir versuchen, maximal 22 Gäste/Reiseleiter beizubehalten. Außerdem werden unsere Touren alle von ortsansässigen Parisern entworfen und durchgeführt. Kein Expat, der Ihre Tour leitet! Wir zeigen Ihnen die touristischen Must-Sees und auch das Paris der Pariser.
This was a fascinating walk around a very historic part of Paris. Well recommended!
Anna was a great tour guide, very friendly and happy to share information. We were very happy to join this tour that provided us with more insight into one of the most romantic parts of Paris 🥰
A great tour with Sarah across Le Marais! A nice small group, a great leisurely walk through the area, I learned so much about the history of the area and buildings, Paris city, and the various conflicts across centuries. Sarah was very entertaining, intelligent, and I really appreciated the extra details she went into. I had a great time and would recommend this tour for anyone!