Un compañero. Un padre. Un maestro. Un viajero. Un baterista apasionado. Un guía turístico certificado. A lo largo de mi viaje he sido un viajero maravilloso: viajo con la curiosidad de descubrir lugares, comprender su cultura y hacer amigos en el camino. Siempre prefiero hacerlo a pie, ya que el ritmo y la falta de barreras permiten que todos nuestros sentidos experimenten el momento. Hagámoslo juntos.
Very helpful and informative. Saw many place in short time and learned about the background stories
El guía no se presentó, tampoco envío un mensaje. Huge deception!!!!!
It was a very nice tour! Learned lots of new details and Quinta da Regaleira was very much worth it and not too crowded (first week of October, afternoon)
Nir was a great guide. He gave a comprehensive and easily understandable tour about the history.
Nir is a very friendly guy who really makes an effort in explaining the history, details and fun facts not only about sintra but also about Portugal! Totally recommend