Our Team are knowledgeable and expert guiding who bring you to touch and feeling direct to local cultures. Our passion would love to keep in touch to the real person and real experiences.
The service was created to help travelers discover and book things to do – visits to city tours, food, adventure activities and Locally life– wherever they go, with the goal of enriching their every trip.
Guide and Tour was great. But the tour business owner lady was not nice at all. As we arrived the requested us to pay the tour and claimed it was not a free walking tour but a tour to be free to walk with them. Requested minimum payment of 400 baht per person (around 12 usd) and took 10 minutes for her to explain us and argue with some disappointed tourists for her demands... She even mentioned she would start a complaint against us if we didn't pay at least what she demanded 😂 usually I give more thankfully for the tour knowledge and if the experience deserves it. But being pushed in such an aggressive manner should not be accepted in Guru.
Interesting tour providing context about the local history and traditions