Both born and raised in Girona, Quimi lived abroad for many years before he decided to come back to his beloved city and start showing its history, secrets and, essentially, its way of life, to visitors.
Dani left his boring job as a lawyer and went traveling for a long time when he realized his life, passion and heart where back in his hometown.
The guru was very creative and could really involve us all in the stories he would tell! Great tour!
Excelente, el carisma y humor típico catalán de Ferran hicieron que el tour sea enriquecedor, no solo por el conocimiento transmitido sino también por las enseñanzas de un habitante.
Ens va agradar moltíssim Amena, didàctica, molt entenedora i molt agradable de tracte... En fi, ho recomano cent per cent